Friday, October 31, 2014


The meaning of the word 'liberal' has become twisted and turned around over the past 100 years. It disheartens me to see it used as a 'name calling' tool to invoke a mindset of 'us vs. them'. The image or meaning of a 'liberal' is different to each of us, but the commonality is that it encourages duality and division. Historically, the 'liberal arts' were the trivium (logic, grammar and rhetoric) and quadrivium (mathematics, geometry, music and astronomy). The quadrivium disciplines contain the ratios of the universe, and are highly scientific. These were the 7 subjects taught at university level in days gone by.

 "Be impeccable with your word' -- I am extremely frustrated with the divisive nature of language, and with the idea that opposition to common core is a 'liberal' or a 'conservative' issue. This reaction I have to this logical fallacy, name-calling, has been brewing in my head for a long time, as I see people sling the term 'libtard' at someone who disagrees with them. I will address it each time I see it in the future, just as people sensitive to the misuse of the word 'retarded' react to the misuse of that term. I can forgive the ignorance of not knowing the origins of the term, 'liberal', and I have faith in people's ability to learn and move forward.

People who identify as "Liberal" or "Conservative" have more in common that they think, but to say so is to piss off those who so self-label.  It's like what Ed Rendell said when he was mayor of Philadelphia, and the natives were restless in Kensington..... he basically said, these whites, puerto ricans and blacks have common interests, and it would be in their self-interest to combine forces in opposition to those whose socio-economic would endeavor to keep them in poverty and ignorance.  I thought that was one of Ed's great statements, but very few people "got it".

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