Monday, September 2, 2024

The Issues


It irks me when people want to engage in a political discussion, but are unable to address any of the following issues on any kind of a rational basis. 

I expect any “facts” or “statistics” presented in support of debating either side of any of The Issues to be vetted in advance by the presenter, and able to be verified by anyone’s personal research. In fact, I WANT people to do their OWN research.  (Do people know how to do that anymore?)

- open borders

- medical freedom

- censorship and free speech

- war mongering.  Ukraine. Gaza. They’ve been doing this all over the globe since WWII.

- financial crimes

- green energy bullshit

- normalization of the transgender narrative

- transferring parental rights to the state

- allopathic medical establishment/pharma/insurance industry issues

Will expand and fill in detail as I think of it….

We deserve compensation of all expenses incurred, including loss of income and need to hire help to support daily living, due to knowing mistreatment and outright fraud by state and federal governments.

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