Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sacred Geometry - The Sixth Dimension

Flower of Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is all you really need to know, I think...
Transcription -Drunvalo's Presentation - FOL Overview

In "The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions", Barbara Hand-Clow explains:
The first dimension (1D) is the iron core crystal of Earth. The second dimension (2D) is the telluric realm below Earth's crust. The third dimension (3D) is the material world where the healer and client are working together. The fourth dimension (4D) is the realm of the human collective mind that organizes itself into archetypes. The fifth dimension (5D) is the realm of unconditional love, expressed as the open heart. The sixth dimension (6D) is the realm of morphic fields that replicate all living things in 3D. The seventh dimension (7D) is sound that generates geometrical forms, also known as the Word of God. The eighth dimension (8D) is the Divine Mind, or the mind of God. The ninth dimension (9D) is time that generates the actions of living things, which is organized by the Mayan Calendar until 2012........ 

she explains crop circles in these conceptual terms.......
crop circles are made by tubes of light that are generated on fields of grain, most commonly in England. The eighth dimension (8D) is a form in the mind of God. The seventh dimension (7D) is sacred sound that can manifest form. The sixth dimension (6D) is the geometrical field that creates forms. The fifth dimension (5D) is unconditional love, an energy that comes when creation happens. The fourth dimension (4D) is where energy polarizes so that things can manifest. The third dimension (3D) is the field where the crop circle takes place.

and she continues..
Pleiadian View of Chakras and Dimensions, as presented by Barbara Hand Clow

....The desire of the sixth dimension is to get deeply involved in your minds and expand your field of potentiality.  We are the location of morphogenetic fields—record bank of all your ideas in 3D—and when you create something or want something in 3D, we hold the geometrical matrix of that thing in existence as long as the idea of it exists in your minds. When you desire a thing, when you truly honor its potential and beauty, it begins to vibrate more. Anything from our realm can come into your world if you desire it enough, and so I am the source of mysterious synchronicities in 3D. lf a young woman who misses her deceased mother stands by a window longing for a feeling from her, I will send an exquisite white dove to that window. When a shaman calls for the power of eagle, eagle will appear. Once a thing holds this radiant energy coming from desire, 5D heart energy fills it more, and I am attracted. This consciousness existing in a 3D object can generate waves out on the galactic information highways. Then the dimensions above 6D discover what we have been creating together in our realms out of the divine ideas sent to us. For example, a shaman may hold an ancient object that is imprinted with energy waves from many ceremonies which star beings visited. The shaman can contact these star beings with this totemic object because when I imprint a form in a thing, there is no block to accessing it from any realm.....

What are the implications?

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