Monday, August 3, 2009

Changing the Medical Paradigm...

Sick of Doctors .com The Healing Truth about modern medicine
Summary: retroviruses are actually the body's own creations; that hepatitis is an autoimmune disorder (a disease in which the body is attacked by components of its own immune system) rather than a viral disease; that AIDS has nothing to do with immune suppression; and that it should really be called Acquired Energy Deficiency Syndrome -- AEDS -- because its true cause is....when they are speaking about HIV they are not speaking about a virus. They are speaking about cellular characteristics and activities of cells under very special conditions...............In order to explain failure to find a retrovirus that directly caused cancer, they claimed to be able to measure the immune system.

Please listen to what this scientist says. It is important. Pay attention. He lays all the data on the table, counters each study supporting the old paradigm with contradicting or discrediting data, wow....

He says:
I already had a somewhat critical attitude when I started studying molecular genetics, so I went to the library to look up the literature on HIV. To my big surprise, I found that when they are speaking about HIV they are not speaking about a virus. They are speaking about cellular characteristics and activities of cells under very special conditions. I was so deeply shocked.... the essential of life: they overlooked importance of the production of energy.... So in 1970, when they proved that reverse transcription does happen and they discovered the enzyme, reverse transcriptase, which does it, they wouldn't give up the dogma. They changed it slightly and said there is an exception; and that it was associated with the existence of a new class of viruses called retroviruses, which they cannot prove exist in other ways...evidence for the accuracy and reliability of the HIV antibody test, and he realized that this test is not able to detect the virus. It is not able to say yes or no, you are or are not infected. It is only able to say that you have a higher or lower amount of antibodies. That's how the HIV antibody test was and is designed....

even though they knew that these T-cell tests had not meaning, they were selling them to the market. Beginning in 1977, starting in the United States, it was possible to patent biological entities or biological techniques, so people started to make money out of biological ideas.

This is the definite turning point when modern medicine and modern biology lost their 'Unschuld', their innocence. That's it.

Fungi came into existence after animal beings. The fungi invented enzymes which are even able to produce energy out of oxidizing. They feed on dead organic matter, and that's their task in evolution, in biology: to recycle. Without fungi, no plants would grow on earth, outside the water.

people regularly using Viagra will be coming down with KS (Kaposi' Sarcoma) in two to three years because Viagra acts by blocking the neutralization of nitric oxide.

AIDS is an energy deficiency problem.

Here, also, evolutionary biology helps. Animal beings are not able to produce three major classes of substances, because when they came into existence in the water, these substances were available. This is another aspect of evolution, because they have grown up or developed in a constant milieu where all the essential molecules have been available. Animal beings didn't bother to build up three important groups of molecules on their own, so they have the advantage to use their energy, and in order to develop even more or quicker.

Among these substances animals cannot produce on their own are the polyphenols, which are vitamins. ...polyphenols are nature's own protease inhibitors, by the way. Animals are also not able to produce the long-chain sugar molecules which make up the basic tissues that form up to 80 percent of our body weight. ....All nerve cells end there, activating and deactivating. All immunological reactions are carried out there. These basic tissues have a quasi-crystalline structure and they work by breaking, oscillating, very quickly, several thousand times a second

bovine cartilage or agar agar, two spoonfuls every morning, With this you can stop all forms of arthritis, by the way, And those molecules are potent protease inhibitors as well.
Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The “Viral Fraud” | Magick Dragonfly News

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