Monday, December 1, 2014

Rocks and Crystals


In the narrative, the narrator’s sister intuits a new business centered on healing through energy work.  The data is all there in any Barnes & Nobel bookstore, or even in the old-time bookseller stall in the Morocco. Books on rocks and gemstones abound. But the practice of welcoming these structures to the celebration of life is a concept that must be taught, and over time the next generation will assume this knowledge was always so.

vibrational atunement of the species
  the frequency of the crystal has become the new norm for treatment of personality disorders. hundreds of millions of people require adjustment of their frequency, so that they are fully within the transmission and receiving range that was meant to be the norm for the human species.

  as big pharma collapsed, 
  those who were dependent on “prescription drugs” had a choice. They could alter their belief system to know that they could be healed by way of other modalities, and they were so healed or maintained. Their new belief system determined their path. those who morned the loss of the old, unable to move on, who were perched, waiting for the big pain in their body to begin, actually felt the pain. Or the anxiety. Or depression. Or the pulse of the pressure as the blood coursed through the veins. Or the rate and quality of insulin production...
chakra energy

 applying the understanding improved 80% of society’s ills w/i 6 months.  
  The Mother’s energy comes from beneath the feet.  It must stream in an even flow from the crystal core of the earth, through the telluric realm, with no blockage.  Without it, the physical body is stressed, resulting in a feeling of powerlessness.  Think at a brown frequency, like the Earth. Live in the city with a blockage here, and you’ll take on the pollution around you, and internalize it within your physical being.
The first chakra - survival/security. anger & sexual disturbances are the outward manifestation of a disturbance in this frequency. Red jasper.
The sacral chakra, at the navel, requires healing when self-esteem is out of whack. Creativity, fertility, acceptance of self as a sexual-being. All have male/female duality - it is one with the human condition.  Butterflies in your stomach. Carnealean or orange flourite do the trice.
Solar plexus is all about emotions and taking in and using energy. Overwhelmed by your emotions? Taking on other peoples issues? Feeling inferior? Try holding a piece of citrine. (Be careful it isn’t baked amathyst.) Stabalize this energy whirl to “center” your emotionality.
Heart chakra, the feeling of pease that comes from a state of lovingness and nurturing - yourself, others, life....  Are you jealous? Afraid of change?
Between the heart and the throat lies the higher heart. The thymus gland is the seat of compassion.  The state of unconditional love and being in-service to life and consciousness resides here. 


gemstones and other rocks
  are different than crystals because...

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