Friday, July 17, 2009

Affirmation for the Infinite Light

I AM a Son/Daughter of God, and at this very moment I stand up to be counted as a Co-creator with God on Earth. I hereby consciously choose to acknowledge the power of my free will to choose Light, to choose Life, to choose the Perfection of God over the imperfections in this world. I choose to affirm that nothing imperfect is real and that only God’s Light and God’s Perfection is real and has permanence.

Therefore, I affirm that within my heart is the Spark of God, the Spark of Light, that truly is the Open Door that no human power can shut, save my free will. I now choose to open that Door, and therefore I AM the Open Door which no human power, or any force of darkness, can shut.

I hereby acknowledge my true individuality as my I AM Presence, and I choose to let the Light of my Presence stream through me and consume all unlike itself. I choose to be the God Flame that I AM in Heaven, manifest on Earth as the fire that burned before Moses when he ascended the mountain of God. I choose to let that Fire that I AM bring forth the true spiritual law that could not be given to Moses because of the recalcitrance of humankind. I choose to be the Open Door for this true Spiritual Law to now be brought down to the physical octave on planet Earth.

I choose to be the Open Door for the Light of the Presence of Infinite Light to stream forth in the material universe and consume all imperfections and imbalances. I choose to be the Open Door for envisioning the Kingdom of God on planet Earth. I call upon the Presence of Infinite Light to send the unstoppable, unconquerable Light of God to superimpose the perfect vision of God upon the Ma-ter* substance that makes up my own physical body, my soul and mind, my outer circumstances and this planet itself, from all aspects of human society to Mother Nature.

I choose to accept my Christ potential and I vow to dedicate my life to putting on the mind of Christ as quickly as possible. I vow that I will never have any false gods before the true God in Heaven, represented to me by my own I AM Presence. I vow that I will not take upon myself any graven image in the form of an imperfect vision. And therefore I will not accept any of the imperfect conditions on Earth as permanent or real. I will see that beyond all imperfections is the Ma-ter* Light of God, and I will hold the immaculate vision of God and see that God’s vision is materialized because it is superimposed upon the Ma-ter* substance itself.

I therefore declare that as long as I AM in the world, I AM the Light of the world. I AM here to take dominion over the Earth, multiply my Divine individuality and the Light given to me by my I AM Presence. I vow to take dominion over my soul and mind, my physical body, my personal circumstances, my nation, human society and nature itself. I vow to accept only the perfection of God; I vow to see only the perfect vision of God, given to me through the Universal Christ mind. I vow to BE the flame of God, consuming all unlike itself and I declare that I AM willing to start with myself and to allow the Flame of God that I AM, anchored in my I AM Presence, to consume all imperfections in my own consciousness, including the human ego and the carnal mind. I AM willing to let the Flame of God consume all imperfections in my soul, my mind, my body and my life.

I vow to nevermore limit God’s ability to work through me, and I vow to always affirm the reality of the Living Christ within me and my oneness with the Ascended Jesus Christ. Therefore, I shall not deny my Oneness with my Master. And by affirming my Oneness with the Living Christ within me and with the Living Christ within Jesus, I truly AM the Light of the world. And through the power and authority of the Universal Christ within me, I therefore say, “Let there be Light and only Light on planet Earth. And there IS Light. It is finished.” 
Ma-ter Light means the Mother Light out of which ALL things are created.

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